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Vanga, who was thought to have the gift of foresight due to the fact that she foretold the future, passed away 26 years ago at the age of 84. She was regarded as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans.”

And it is said that she saw that the globe was going to have a difficult 2023, complete with a significant “solar tsunami” space storm and a nuclear catastrophe.

The mystic is said to have spent her childhood on a farm in the region that is now known as Macedonia and to have claimed that she became blind after being engulfed in a storm.

She was rendered unable to open her eyes as a result of the intense agony, and shortly after that, her renown started to spread.

Baba Vanga's Prediction for 2023: Things More Terrible Than Covid-19 Will  Happen / Shows what humanity will face in the coming centuries, from the  mysterious disease, the extinction of life on Earth

As a local soothsayer, Vanga first got his start “predicting” the future.

And before long, lines of hundreds of people would form to see her at her house, particularly during World War 2, when people were anxious for news.

Because of this, her reputation continued to develop, and in 1966, the Bulgarian government began paying her for her “psychic ability” as a result of their belief in her “psychic ability.”

After her passing in 1996, rumours started to circulate about her, and in this day and age, the tale of Baba Vanga has taken on a life of its own with the advent of the internet.

Her burial was attended by hundreds of people, and her last home in Petrich, which is located quite near to the border with Greece, is now a museum dedicated to her memory.

Baba Vanga: The Blind Mystic Who Predicted the Future | History of Yesterday

But what exactly was it that Vanga predicted?

Because she never wrote anything down, and because pilgrims would merely listen to her words of seeming wisdom, nobody really knows for sure what she said.

The fact that this is the case has not, however, prevented the proliferation of innumerable predictions, the majority of which are ambiguous and susceptible to various interpretations. It is thought that she did make some predictions; however, many of the ones that are ascribed to her really begin merely in the ether of the internet and are produced by trolls.

Vanga’s supporters firmly believe the “prophecies” that have been ascribed to her and often assert, without providing any proof to back up their claims, that she accurately anticipated events such as the attacks on September 11, the establishment of ISIS, and the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk. And as seen by forecasts that were extensively disseminated in the previous year, Vanga’s purported visions, assuming that they were indeed hers, were often far off the mark.

Here are some of the prophesies that are said to have been ascribed to her for the year 2023. Keep in mind that they should be taken with a very large grain of salt.

Biochemical warfare

It is also said that Vanga predicted that a “large nation” will conduct bioweapons research on individuals. This prediction is attributed to Vanga. It has been speculated that these sick trials might result in the deaths of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of individuals.

These kinds of experiments are expressly prohibited under a United Nations convention called the Biological Weapons Convention. In addition to that, it makes it illegal to hoard infectious bacteria and pathogens of any kind. On the other hand, it is speculated that certain nations, such as China, have covert bioweapons units.

Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare - 29 April

Conclusion For Infants born

The most recent allegation that has been ascribed to Vanga is that birth control will be abolished in 2023 and all humans would instead be created in laboratories. Leaders will have the ability to shape the characteristics and look of the individuals who are born under their watch, and they will determine what sort of people are born.

Everyone will inevitably turn out to be a Sim from the computer game The Sims. This is without a doubt one of the most implausible forecasts made by Baba, and it adds fuel to the fire of those who are concerned about declining birthrates.

Between the years 1950 and 1955, the overall birth rate averaged 36.9 per 1,000 people, but it is just 18.5 now. And there are projections that suggest it may fall to as low as 14.6 by the year 2050.


Many people believe that Baba Vanga predicted that the Earth’s orbit would “alter” in 2023. This is one of the predictions that is most often ascribed to him. It is not obvious what this signifies; but, the results of this occurrence, should it really take place, might be catastrophic.

Even the smallest change might have a significant impact on the climate of our planet, which maintains a delicate equilibrium as it participates in the cosmic dance. Even coming a little distance closer to our sun would expose the whole planet to dangerous levels of radiation and cause a significant rise in temperature.

There would be worldwide anarchy in addition to the melting of glaciers, which would cause sea levels to increase. And although going farther away could cause the Earth to enter an ice age and increase the amount of time spent in darkness, this wouldn’t stop nature from being thrown into disarray.

Ask Ethan: Does Earth Orbit The Sun More Slowly With Each New Year?


It is also said that Baba warned of an impending nuclear power plant explosion, which is a further prediction that has the potential to be more accurate. It is often believed that Vanga correctly foresaw the disaster that occurred at Chernobyl.

However, this prophesy may be of more worry given the actual concerns over the possibility of a catastrophe in Ukraine. While fighting continues all around them, Russian forces have taken control of the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).

Despite the fact that UN inspectors have already visited the site, suspicions persist as Kyiv accuses Moscow of engaging in “nuclear blackmail.” A single careless action at the site may set off a chain reaction that would result in a catastrophe that would affect all of Europe.

Nuclear Explosion |


Another nebulous prophecy that Vanga is often told is that there will be a solar storm on a scale that has never been witnessed before. Solar storms are powerful bursts of energy that originate from the sun and travel toward Earth, bringing with them radiation, magnetic fields, and electrical charges.

They can have the destructive potential of billions of nuclear bombs working together. On the other hand, the space weather is sometimes seen as little more than a lovely spectacle in the sky like the Northern Lights.

However, it is anticipated that the most violent solar storms and flares would cause damage to electronics, which may result in widespread power outages and disruptions in communication. Certain extremely pessimistic forecasts have predicted that such occurrences would transport humanity to a period of time referred to as the “Dark Ages.”

The effects of solar flares on Earth's magnetosphere

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